My year resolution this year is "Work on The Abs" so I've been gathering some information to make my abs flat! work out is a must, i already sign-up for Pilates and Gym but i still need to make sure it work! Survey says of all work-out system, perfect abs is the hardest! so i gather some info to help the process faster, its the diet (ugh i hate diets)...but for that lusty abs, why not ?!? 

Here's some of my find: 

1. SALTY SIN: can you believe that salty pretzel is a water magnet? Yes! Sodium attracts water. Though it’s essential for fluid balance, muscle strength and nerve function, but intake of sodium higher than usual will temporarily retain water on your body.  The right amount of salt per day is about less than 2.300 mg or 1 table spoon/day. Cutting back salt will help you to beat bloat and reduce risk of hypertension. So I guess ta-ta pretzel *hisk*

2. BEVERAGE GO-GO: not only what you eat but what you drink like alcohol, tea, coffee, acid fruit juice even your warm hot choco. Because they contains acid and can irritate your GI and result in bloating.

3. ALCOHOLIC SUGAR: if you wander what it is, you might be surprise….it goes by name Xylitol or Maltilol. Usually found in cookies, cakes, sweets and energy bars basically because they cause gas, abdominal distention, bloating and diarrhea, stay out!

4. RAW FOOD: maybe your hear so much that healthy diet is kinda of raw food, but they usually bulky and takes up room in your gastrointestinal tract (GI) result: swollen tummy. Three boiled carrot can contains the same nutrition’s but takes a lil room on your tummy.

5. BUBBLY DRINKS: It doesn't take a genius bubbles makes your tummy bloat even diet coke, just plain water enough for now.

6. BYE-BYE CARBS: high carbs like bagel, banana & pasta stores carbohydrates like glycogen. Every gram of glycogen stores 3 gram water. By decreasing carbs intake, you can train your body to access the stored fuel and burn it off. Unless you’re running marathon tomorrow, you might consider to toast that Bolognaise away!

7. STOP CHEWING GUM:  bad breath is disaster but if you dream of Gwen Stefani abs, you might as well change your minty choice. Chewing gums can cause bloated belly because when you chew gum, you swallow air. The air trapped in your GI can cause pressure, bloating and belly expansion.

8. SPICE OFF:  spicy food like chili including vinegar and onion stimulate the release of stomach acid which cause irritations, careful on your choices.  

9. FRIED FOOD: this is the hardest for me coz I looove chips and fries! It turns out those doughnuts, chips especially French fries (variety of fried food) are digested more slowly and resulting bloat tummy. So no more fries for me now…L

10. TURN GASS OFF: some variety food can produce more gas to your system and cause bloat like cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage, peppers include citrus fruit.

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